Maurice Joseph LaRiviere, Jr
Sole Practitioner
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T: 978.373.4044
F: 978.373.4423
Office 200 Merrimack St, Suite 202D
Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830
-Successfully argued cases before the United States District Court-
-Successfully argued cases before various state adjudicative forums. (Illustrative list attached)
-Codified municipal ordinances, rules & regulations and policies. (Code on line at )
-Standardized municipal RFPÂ’s, contracts and agreements.
-Prepared and handled real estate transactions for development and sale of municipal properties. (Including the Forest Lake Development,
-Formed non-profit corporations for local cable television and senior citizen centers.
Professional History
2005 to date – Private practice,
General practice of law with focus on litigation, labor and employment law, personal injury, premises liability, automobile accidents, land use and zoning and municipal law.
Clients include the Andover Housing Authority and Amesbury Housing Authority
1980 to
Duties included;
-Representation of City and its officers before various federal and state courts. -Representation of the City and its officers before various state agencies and in arbitration before
-Issuance of opinions to the city council, mayor, officers, boards and commissions of the municipality.
-Preparation of legal instruments such as home rule petitions, deeds, RFPÂ’s, bid documents, contracts, resolutions, leases, ordinances and eminent domain petitions.
-Representation of the City in labor negotiations with Public Safety, Public Works and General Government Unions.
Bar Admissions
Admitted to practice in;
United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts- 1978 (CM/ECF registered)
Bachelor of Science, Northeastern University,
Professional Memberships
Massachusetts Bar AssociationBoston Bar Association
Essex County Bar Association
National Lawyers Guild
Salem Bar Association
American Bar Association
Greater Haverhill Chamber of Commerce
Strathmores Who's Who Honors
Cambridge Who's Who Honored Member
Continental Who's Who attorney of the year 2010
BS, Northeastern University, 1972
JD, Suffolk Unievesity Law School, 1977
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
Massachusetts, 1977US District Court-Mass, 1978
Ist Circuit Court of Appeals, 1981
Professional & Bar Association Memberships
Massachusetts Bar Association
Member Since: 1978
Essex County Bar Association
Member Since: 2008
Nationa Lawyers Guild
Member Since: 2008
Boston Bar Association
Member Since: 2009
American Bar Association
Member Since: 2011